While developing the TaskManagerApp i am planning it with simple and efficient actions,
I had many wide options for the user to make themself comfort such as choosing the database mode, connection type etc.,
While constructing such things, as i am developing the front end in AngularJs i faced many sweet issues and then gently crossed it with stackoverflow.
And this made me to stuck for a while, i don’t know the reason why Logout menu is not expanding while the original template does.
After few investigation i found the class changes happening over it.. then i made myself to build that functionality.
Its as simple like having and removing the class on click event.
Here’s the way i deal with
Query summary :
While clicking the Menu , the function menuSelector() will be called, it will check if the id named as ‘tobechanged’ has the class name
‘dropdown pull-right’ (It means the menu is not expanded). if the class name is like than it will be renamed to ‘dropdown pull-right open’
which will make the menu expand..If not it will be again set to ‘dropdown pull-right’
Any Questions ?
I am not sure even if someone is reading it. I am expecting a little question from someone as i made it like that.